Public Request Forms

2024 Tithing Declarations Appointments

Latter-day Saints give tithing (10% of their income) to the Church to honor God’s ancient and modern commandment to tithe (see Genesis 14:18–20, Leviticus 27:30–32 and Doctrine and Covenants 119:3–4).

Tithing settlement has been an annual meeting held toward the end of each year. In it, a local bishop or branch president meets with individual Latter-day Saints and families to discuss their tithes. This will now be called “tithing declaration.” The change is intended to enhance focus on the principles and blessings of tithing. Tithing declaration will be primarily a learning experience — especially for children and youth — and an opportunity for Latter-day Saints to declare their tithing faithfulness.

Tithing declaration interviews may now occur as early as September 1 to offer bishops and branch presidents additional time to meet with families and individuals.

“What a great blessing to have a time dedicated to discussing the divine law of the tithe,” said Presiding Bishop Gérald Caussé. “Tithing is an essential practice of Latter-day Saints, regardless of where they live, their social standing, or their material circumstances. By keeping this law, Church members receive spiritual and temporal blessings in their lives and help further the Church’s divine mission on earth.”

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